Hong Kong Job Consulting (www.hkjobc.com) was established in 2012 and we endeavor to be your preferred partner in Talent Acquisition and Management. We are specialized in various sectors, including
We aim at identifying Hong Kong Talent Pool in order to deliver our cutting edge recruitment services to our clients through our values: Honesty, Knowledge, Tact and Passion.
We have specific business objectives and adopt ESG perspectives (Environmental, Social & Governance) in our business and strive for sustainable growth & development of people, corporate governance, Society and Environment.
Mobile: 6282 8201
Email: leo@hkjobc.com
Global Banking & Treasury
Digital Engagement Manager
Official Whatsapp +852 6893 2290
Official Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/hong-kong-job-consulting/
Official Career Page https://www.careers-page.com/hkjobc
Student Intern
Database Enrichment
Management Trainee
Central support on Search, Operations,
Mobile: 5428 7949
Email: dickson@hkjobc.com
Business Development, Banking & Finance
Human Resources & Secondment Services
Senior Management
Mobile: 6165 8486
Email: kkwong@hkjobc.com
Agency Distribution & Partnership Distribution, Insurance
Actuarial & Product, Insurance
Mobile: 6996 8648
Email: ken@hkjobc.com
Relationship Management
Loans & Credit Operations
Mobile: 9616 4768
Email: parami@hkjobc.com
Information Technology
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